Note: There will be no more factory sales until further notice!

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Before they are launched to market, the safe contact of our products with food is tested by accredited institutes, such as the German safety standards authority or TÜV and the state health authority or LGA, etc., according to the German Food, Commodity and Feed Act (Lebensmittel-, Bedarfsgegenstände- und Futtermittelgesetzbuch).

This also includes a risk assessment being made in accordance with REACH, the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals. This is a European Union chemicals regulation. During this risk assessment our articles are tested for dangerous substances and substances of high concern which pose a danger to health.

We have also set up our own quality assurance system which is coordinated by our offices in Shanghai. Our own inspectors check each delivery of goods before it is shipped.

In addition, incoming goods are inspected as they arrive at our warehouse – not just with regard to quantity but also to quality.


Quality assurance

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Before they are launched to market, the safe contact of our products with food is tested by accredited institutes.
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Outstanding quality and design


More than 12 awards confirm that ELO is a guarantee for products with special functions and plenty of innovation.
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Karl Grünewald & Sohn GmbH & Co. KG
Dalberger Straße 20
55595 Spabrücken, Germany

Telephone +49 6706 914-0
Fax +49 6706 914-222

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