Note: There will be no more factory sales until further notice!

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History: Over 80 Years ELO

More than 80 years ago Karl Grünewald has established a company to sell cookware at Spabrücken, located in the beautiful countryside between Frankfurt and Cologne. With his special truck he drove to the small villages around Spabrücken and sold high quality cookware to the people living in this region. Since then the aim of ELO is to supply high quality items to their customers.

Until today it has not changed: ELO sells high quality products in functional and elegant design. ELO products stand for cooking with pleasure and success.

ELO has become one of the leading firms in selling household articles due to its tradition combining quality and innovation. ELO’s offices in Europe, Asia and Far East form an ideal network for selling high quality cookware made of stainless steel, enamel or aluminium and produced in different countries.




Karl Grünewald created the company as a market dealer for pots and pans. The goods were sold on small regional markets.


The son, Karl Grünewald junior, developed the company and supplied beside the private customers also local resident dealers, as well as smaller business in the environment with its goods.


The circle oft he customers became larger continuously. Beside the independent retailers also smaller and larger branch companies were supplied. The new mess kits for electric cookers developed to the best seller. At the same time the label name ELO was developed, which from the word electrical (ELektrO) was derived.


The company ELO developed to an estimated, national supplier for enamelled mess kit.


ELO was registered as a trademark.


Marketing of the product range in the neighbouring countries.


ELO shows out for the first time to the international consumer goods fair "Ambiente" in Frankfurt/Main. National and international customers could be won for the company and the products.


Fondation of the independent marketing company in Honk Kong.


Opening of the sales rooms in Hongkong and at the sime time start of sales to Far East.


First Design honor FORM 2003 for the double-wall stainless steel dishes ELO Hot'N'Cool. patent grant for the cover "Stand by".


Opening oft he purchase and quality assurance office in Shanghai. Honor FORM 2004 for the product "Fantasia". Patent grant of the new "fat way pan" (international patent). Extension logistics location Spabrücken. Inauguration of the storehouse high shelfs with 7,000 parking bays.


Extension of the show room and the office building at the logistics location Spabrücken. Upgrading of the sales rooms in Hongkong.


75th anniversary of ELO 


Member of BSCI
(Business Social Copliance Initiative)

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ELO got the award "product of the year" for ELO Bubble

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ELO was "The Most Innovative Brand of the Year” 2012.


ELO nominated for German Design Award.

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Karl Grünewald & Sohn GmbH & Co. KG
Dalberger Straße 20
55595 Spabrücken, Germany

Telephone +49 6706 914-0
Fax +49 6706 914-222

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